In this section I’m listing many of my recipes for beer, cider and mead that I have brewed over the last several years. I guess that I was not very good at documenting my recipes until I bought myself a copy of the excellent Beersmith program. This has forced me into good habits and I have now carefully kept complete records of all my brews (both good and bad) over the last 10 years.
Beersmith nicely formats the recipes for printouts and these can be ‘printed’ as PDF files that can be easily included in webpages. So, what you will find in this section is a collection of webpages that include recipes in the form of PDF files that you can view in the pages, save as a file, export to another program or simply print.
I’ve structured the list of recipes by style, very loosely based on the BJCP guidelines. I’ve also included a crazy section for stuff that should never have been brewed but still met with some degree of success.
Note that if you use any of these recipes and it kills you, don’t blame me. I’ve made and drank every one of them and I’m still here!