I suppose I had better say something about myself and who were my greatest influencers and supporters in the writing of this material. However, I’ll skip over those last bits and just talk about me.
I was English but I’m currently a real American living in the USA. I’ve been brewing beer at home for over 50 years; which is a rather sobering thought when I consider how much beer I must have made and drunk over that time period. If I conservatively estimate one glass of beer per day; that means that I have made and drunk over 16,000 pints! Assuming that these were Imperial pints and not the wimpy American equivalents, that represents about 9 tons of beer. Unfortunately, I was discussing this statistic with the “Naughty Nurse” (some sort of brewing acquaintance and happenstance National Beer Judge) within earshot of my long-suffering lady wife and she immediately starts yelling at me (as I should have expected). Apparently, she felt that my 9-ton assessment was a gross underestimate and the true value should have been more like 20 tons. Under duress, I felt compelled to agree. Now, that’s a lot of beer. It also raises all sorts of logistical and ethical questions. I suppose it’s good that this was spread over all those years or else I would have had issues with storage, bathroom plumbing arrangements, mobility and medical treatment if all that volume of beer was consumed at once. I would have a lot of (temporary) friends, though.
At this point I would expect many readers are busy calculating their own Personal Lifetime Beer Consumption Index (PLBCI). If anyone can beat 20 tons (and I suspect that there will only be a few million of you), please drop me a line.
Hopefully, brewing for 50 years does give me some serious street credibility points in writing material like this. It also means that I have been brewing beer at home much longer than anyone else could do legally in the USA. I should be famous. Unfortunately, one day, I bumped into Dr. Terry Foster who is a prolific author of homebrewing books and articles. Apparently, he was English and now lives in the States, too, and he’s been brewing beer much longer than me. A hard act to follow!
Making a lot of beer doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re making good beer although there’s a remote chance it may help. I’m sad to admit that most some of the beer I have made over the years hasn’t been very good. When I was a young man in Manchester, England (all those years ago), we only made home-made beer for one reason – it was very cheap and it got you drunk fast! The British taxation system ensured that purchased beer was expensive so homebrew was always an attractive option – especially for impoverished students. ‘Boots the Chemist’ was (and perhaps still is) a big chain chemist’s store (aka a pharmacy in the States) in Britain and at that time they offered a line of homebrew kits which, for many homebrewers, was the only option available. These kits contained a can of hopped liquid malt extract which was added to a plastic garbage bucket and mixed with an equivalent amount of sugar and diluted to 24 imperial pints with tap water. I don’t think boiling was recommended but we never read the instructions. The kit also contained a sachet of (presumably) dried bakers’ yeast which was added to the mix which was fermented in the garbage bucket (yes, we did take the garbage out first). About a week later it was ‘ready’ to drink. We were often too impatient to bother with bottling the stuff so it was often just scooped into a glass and drunk immediately. I remember a party where the fermentation bucket was left in the center of the room and guests scooped in their emptied glasses to fill them. The stuff tasted disgusting but it hit the spot and the parties were great (from what I remember of them).
Ah… those were the days. Buying grains, hops, yeast etc. wasn’t really an option. Even trying to get a good pint in a pub was becoming a serious challenge as the big ‘industrial’ brewers at the time were systematically buying up the small craft brewers and shutting them down and converting their pubs to sell more mass produced product. Those were the bad days for beer in the UK. I remember the “Red Revolution” very well.
Then along came CAMRA and, prime minister, John Major who between them (CAMRA for activating the good-beer-buying public and Major for passing laws mandating the sale of good beer in bad pubs), totally transformed the Bristish beer drinking culture. Britons became more sophisticated and demanding in the choice and quality of the beer they drank. Homebrewing also started to see resurgence – people began to appreciate that beer doesn’t just come out of a can: there are things called ingredients somewhere in that beer. I was fortunate to live through this renaissance – but just at the time when things started to get really interesting; my job was transferred to the USA.
Living and working in the USA is very different from doing the same in the UK and it’s not just because people talk funny, drive on the wrong side of the road, don’t like Marmite and all the light switches are upside-down. One of the biggest differences I found when I arrived in Connecticut 27 years ago was that I couldn’t really find any beer I liked. This was the ultimate horror scenario. Nearly all I could find was what may today be termed “industrial” grade beer. If I was really lucky, I could find some Sam Adams or Sierra Nevada beers. However, what really surprised me was that there was a great homebrew store about 5 miles from my house. The name of this store was Maltose Express and is owned by Mark and Tess Szamatulski and it is still up and running during the dark days of Covid. Mark and Tess wrote the successful Clonebrews series of books to help people rip off reproduce recipes from their favorite commercial breweries. I don’t know if they will still speak to me after this website goes live but I think I am a good customer of theirs and I am plugging their book so I live in hope. What amazed me about their store when I first entered it, 27 years ago, was the vast array of grains and hops from the UK that I could never find when I lived there. I guess if you want to make beer using good English ingredients, you have to first move to the States. Moving to the States was the turning point in my homebrewing career.
Perhaps homebrewing really continued to improve in the UK but I’m not so sure. Some time ago I looked at the current UK National Homebrew Competition website and they appear to be limiting entries to 250. That’s about half the entry limit for a local competition in the States. Last year’s US National Homebrew Competition accepted about 10,000 entries! I know the UK is a small island but a lot of people live there and drink beer.